Senin, 21 Agustus 2017


Day 8
Examination day for Rooseveltian!

So, today i woke up earlier in order to get myself ready to be a supervisor with Mr. Angel in the first examination day that held by Roosevelt college. Its such an honor to be supervisor to see the behaviour of students in Philippine do an exams.
At the beginning, as usual, Mr. Angel introduce me first and after that he managed to continue his activity to spread the question sheet to the students. On the mark of the bell rings the exams begin!

As long as I see, the examination in here is quite simililiar with Indonesian, BUT there is always some different. The different itself are appeared from the form of the question, As I know, in Indonesia usually teachers provided a question in the form of multiple choices with essays but in here, the questions are in the form of multiple but have some modify in the application, students not directly saw an answer in the coloumn of answer, but they has to find out by themselves and put it into the blank Iine which considered belongs to which option according to the question.

Anyway, the exams running well, eventhough there is some problem after the exam like a bullying that happen to one of the students of Mr. Angel. But he can handle it. What a great teacher! Thank god for today J

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